
Pet has 5 Tiers from 0 to 6

Types of indicators appearing in PET

  • Normal stats: HP - ATK - DEF

  • Advanced Stats: Dodge - Accuracy - Brute Rate - Violent Damage - Riot Resistance - Normal Attack Resistance - Shock Resistance

Number of lines by type of PET

  • Tier 0 (Common): random 1 line of normal stats

  • Tier 1 (Uncommon): random 1 line of normal stats, 1 line of advanced stats

  • Tier 2 (Rare): random 1 line of normal stats, 2 lines of advanced stats

  • Tier 3 (Epic): random 2 lines of normal stats, 2 lines of advanced stats

  • Tier 4 (Legend): random 2 lines of normal stats, 3 lines of advanced stats

  • Tier 5 (Mythic): 3 lines of normal stats, random 3 lines of advanced stats

  • Tier 6 (Immortal): 3 lines of normal stats, random 4 lines of advanced stats

Mythic and Immortal only appear in PET NFT

Max Level: 200 with all tiers

Increase Level

Use another Pet as a transformation material or use Hundred Years Ginseng / Millennium Ginseng to increase Pet's EXP


Common Pet


Uncommon Pet


Rare Pet


Epic Pet


Legend Pet


Hundred Years Ginseng


Millennium Ginseng



NameNormal SkillsNFT SkillsIn-game spawn rate


Deals 100%(+10%) ATK (Based on owner's current stats) damage within 3m of the target

Base damage 160% (+16%), damage range 5m


When the owner is hit, there is a chance to absorb 40%(+4%) damage

  • When the owner is hit, there is a chance to absorb 40% (+4%) damage.

  • The owner dies, respawn with 45% HP, respawn 1 time per battle.



The owner using Fury will increase the owner's ATK and DEF by 15%+(1.5%) until the end of the game

Owner using Fury will increase the owner's ATK and DEF by 25%+(2.5%) until the end of the match.


Chance to hit an enemy, causing him to lose 5%(+0.5%) MaxHP/s for 5s (Pierce Damage, reduced by MagicRes)

  • Chance to hit an enemy, causing him to lose 5%(+0.5%) MaxHP/s for 5s (Pierce Damage, reduced by MagicRes)

  • Hemorrhage will change to hit another target


When the owner dies, Pet goes crazy, explodes dealing 250%(+25%) damage 3m around.

  • When the owner dies, Pet goes crazy, explodes dealing 250%(+25%) damage to 3m around.

  • Enemies within 3m radius of the explosion will have 25% reduced PhysicRes - MagicRes - CritRes until the end of the match


Last updated